Published: Tue, 10/25/16
Follow: Did you miss my Calculus Midterm E am Prep Seminar this term?If you are interested in receiving the Notes and Audio Midterm E am Prep Seminar…
Published: Mon, 10/24/16
Follow: Since I did not offer a Midterm E am Prep Seminar this termFor only $12.99 + GST, you can order my complete solutions to the two practice e…
Published: Sun, 10/23/16
Follow: Location has changed to the University of Winnipeg, Room 3C01 on the third floor of Centennial Hall.Here is a map of the campus. Centennial…
Published: Fri, 10/21/16
Follow: Please note that I have moved the e am prep seminars for both Calculus on Oct. 22 and Basic Stats 1 on Oct. 23 to the University of Winnipeg…
Published: Thu, 10/20/16
Follow: Please note that the midterm e am this term will cover Lessons 1 to 5 in my Basic Stats 2 book.I am so happy to see that they have returned to…
Published: Thu, 10/20/16
Follow: Location has changed to the University of Winnipeg, Room 3C01 on the third floor of Centennial Hall.Here is a map of the campus. Centennial…
Published: Thu, 10/20/16
Follow: Location has changed to the University of Winnipeg,Room 3C01 on the third floor of Centennial Hall. Here is a map of the campus. Centennial…
Published: Thu, 10/20/16
Follow: Location has changed to the University of Winnipeg,Room 3C01 on the third floor of Centennial Hall. Here is a map of the campus. Centennial…
Published: Wed, 10/19/16
Follow: There was a typo in my tips. I meant to say Lesson 4 in my tips for question 3 below. Please read below for more tips. Midterm E am Prep…
Published: Wed, 10/19/16
Follow: Please note that I have moved the e am prep seminars for both Calculus on Oct. 22 and Basic Stats 1 on Oct. 23 to the University of Winnipeg…