Stat 1000: My suggestions about how to study my Lesson 9
Published: Fri, 04/14/17
Follow: Since they have cut out the critical value method for testing hypotheses, there are some questions I suggest you omit in my Lesson 9 and some…
Grant's Homework Help
Published: Fri, 04/14/17
Follow: Since they have cut out the critical value method for testing hypotheses, there are some questions I suggest you omit in my Lesson 9 and some…
Published: Fri, 04/14/17
Follow: Since I am unable to offer an e am prep seminar this term, I have decided the best option is to offer my solutions and audio I have compiled…
Published: Thu, 04/13/17
Follow: I fi ed a typo in my tips for #4 below. I also added a little more help. Try a Free Sample of Grant's Audio Lectures(on sale for only $25)…
Published: Wed, 04/12/17
Follow: Since I am unable to offer an e am prep seminar this term, I have decided the best option is to offer my solutions and audio I have compiled…
Published: Wed, 04/12/17
Follow: Be sure to confirm with your prof that you will be given this table on the e am. It has been included in the tables booklet each term, even…
Published: Sun, 04/09/17
Follow: Here are some e tra notes I wrote to help you organize the key problems covering the concepts in Units 6 to 11 of the course. Those units…
Published: Sat, 04/08/17
Follow: In case you were wondering, do note that you can omit Lessons 11 to 14 in my Linear Algebra & Vector Geometry book. They have definitely…
Published: Fri, 04/07/17
Follow: Grant's Revised Steps to Test Hypotheses Important Note: Unlike what I instruct in my book, make sure that you compute a P-value every single…
Published: Fri, 04/07/17
Follow: Omit Lesson 10 in my book, but do Lesson 11 Do not confuse their unit numbers with my lesson numbers. For e ample, their Unit 10 has already…
Published: Thu, 04/06/17
Follow: I have thought long and hard, but have decided to not offer any midterm or final e am prep seminars this term. My wife has been unwell, and…