Since they have cut out the critical value method for testing hypotheses, there are some questions I suggest you omit in my Lesson 9 and some modifications in the order you study the lesson.
- Begin at the beginning and learn how to state the null and alternative hypotheses, and complete my Lesson 9, #1.
- Read the first two paragraphs on page 501 where I introduce the level of significance, α, and tell you to always use α=5% unless specifically told to use a different level of
- OMIT the rest of page 501 and all of pages 502 to 506 (omit my Lesson 9, #2).
- Study page 507, and learn your test statistic formulas.
- Study page 508, and learn how to state a proper conclusion. Do my Lesson 9, #3.
- Ignore my steps for testing a hypothesis on page 512. Replace those steps with the revised 5 steps I emailed
previously, but don't worry about that just yet.
- SKIP pages 513 to 519 and #4 and #5, for now. You will come back to these later.
- Study the P-value Section on pages 520 to 527.
- Now, memorize the revised 5 Steps to test a Hypothesis.
- SKIP Lesson 9, #6, pages 528 to 530, for now.
- Study pages 531 to 540, learning Lesson 9, #7 to #12. However, OMIT #10(b), you can do the rest of #10.
- Now, go back and do Lesson 9, #4 and #5 combined with #6,
but do not get a critical value! Instead, compute the P-value. Do note that I do compute the P-values for those two questions in my #6.
- You can now complete the rest of Lesson 9. But never do #2!