Published: Sat, 02/17/18
Follow: Do note that the midterm e am this term covers Lessons 1 to 6 in my Basic Stats 2 book.Since I am unable to offer an e am prep seminar this…
Published: Sat, 02/17/18
Follow: Do note that the midterm e am this term covers Lessons 1 to 4 in my Basic Stats 1 book.Since I am unable to offer an e am prep seminar this…
Published: Sat, 02/17/18
Follow: I am confident that you will find my books e tremely helpful in learning your course. Besides my thorough e planations, there are literally…
Published: Mon, 02/05/18
Follow: I am so happy to see that they have returned to the traditional approach to solving 2-Sample problems as discussed in Lesson 4 of my book. If…
Published: Tue, 01/09/18
Follow: Here are the weekly groups for Winter 2018:Basic Stats 2 (Stat 2000) is Mondays 3:00-6:00Intro Calculus (Math 1500) is Tuesdays…
Published: Fri, 01/05/18
Follow: Hello ,Happy New Year! I hope you had a good break and that your Fall courses went well.If you are interested in weekly tutoring for this…
Published: Wed, 01/03/18
Follow: Hello ,Happy New Year! I hope you had a good break and that your Fall courses went well.If you are interested in weekly tutoring for this…
Published: Mon, 01/01/18
Wishing you good health, happiness, and success in all your endeavours for 2018.
Published: Sun, 12/31/17
Follow: Hello ,Happy New Year! I hope you had a good break and that your Fall courses went well.If you are interested in weekly tutoring for this…
Published: Mon, 12/25/17
Best Wishes for 2018 Wishing you success, fulfillment, good health and, most of all, happiness for the coming year.Grant SkeneGrant's Tutoring