Published: Mon, 01/23/17
Follow: As another term has ended, and a new one begins, the information you gave me previously as to what course(s) you are taking is probably out of…
Published: Mon, 01/16/17
Follow: Hello ,Happy New Year! I hope you had a good break and that your Fall courses went well.If you are interested in weekly tutoring for this…
Published: Sat, 01/07/17
Follow: Those of you who ordered my collection of solutions and audio going through the Practice E ams, do note that you should be sure to work…
Published: Tue, 01/03/17
Follow: Grant's Revised Steps to Test Hypotheses Important Note: Unlike what I instruct in my book, make sure that you compute a P-value every single…
Published: Mon, 01/02/17
Follow: I can see no feasible way of offering a final e am prep seminar this term. Some of you write your final in December, and others write in early…
Published: Mon, 01/02/17
Follow: I can see no feasible way of offering a final e am prep seminar this term. Some of you write your final in December, and others write in early…
Published: Sun, 01/01/17
Wishing you health, happiness, and success in all your endeavours for 2017.
Published: Sun, 12/25/16
Best Wishes for 2017 Wishing you health and happiness for the coming year.Grant SkeneGrant's Tutoring
Published: Mon, 12/19/16
Follow: I can see no feasible way of offering a final e am prep seminar this term. Some of you write your final in December, and others write in early…
Published: Mon, 12/19/16
Follow: I can see no feasible way of offering a final e am prep seminar this term. Some of you write your final in December, and others write in early…