Sorry for the inconvenience if you are experiencing delays on my website

Published: Wed, 02/26/14

My website server has been having some technical issues the last couple of delays that may be preventing you from signing for my seminars, homework help, or listening to my audio lectures.  I apologize for any inconvenience and hope that things will be running smoothly quite soon.

If you wish to attend my Stat 2000 seminar this weekend (March 1 and 2), or Stat 1000 seminar next weekend (March 8 and 9) but have been unable to register due to the technical issues, please do feel free to attend.  There will certainly be space.  The seminars are in room 100 St. Paul's College.

I would appreciate it if you do register in advance at your convenience, however, as that does speed up processing the attendees on the day of the seminar.