3 Reasons to consider taking Math or Stats by distance

Published: Fri, 11/25/11

Have you ever considered taking the Distance/Online version of a math or statistics course, rather than taking the classroom lecture section?
Here are three reasons, that I think distance is a good idea:
1. More of the mark is based on hand-in assignments rather than exams.  That puts less pressure on a student, since you can spend your time learning and preparing for your assignments, but not have the anxiety of "performing" for that one or two hours that a midterm exam is being administered.
2. You have at least three hours extra a week where you do not have to attend a class (more in the case of courses like Calculus that have labs as well). That's more time for you to study by your own schedule.  Of course, this assumes you will be motivated to do the work on your own, and have the assistance of my study book, or something to learn from.
3. Of course, this means there will be only one exam (the final) to write, but that is nothing to be afraid of.  You have every reason to expect the final will be no worse than the final the classroom sections would write, and you will have the benefit of less pressure going into it since your assignment mark is probably higher than your midterm exam mark would have been (assuming you have been putting honest effort into doing and completing your assignments).
Of course, there are drawbacks to taking a course by distance, especially if you are a procrastinator who does not get around to doing the homework assignments, I suspect you would be guilty of not bothering to do your homework until it is too late to before your midterm exam anyway.
The other drawback, of course, is you do not have someone teaching you the course.  That is, of course, where I would recommend you at least get my study book, or, better yet, join my weekly tutoring group.
But, an organized, self-motivated student, can almost certainly succeed doing a course by distance, and may appreciate the more flexible learning schedule it offers.