Grant's Midterm Exam Prep Seminars are now scheduled

Published: Sat, 10/01/11

Hi ,
I just thought you would like to know that I have finalized my Midterm Exam Prep Seminar schedule.
A new thing this year is that all exam prep seminars cost $40 (that includes GST) whether you have my study book or not.  Please do bring my study book to the seminar if you have it as everything question and concept I discuss is in that book, but, if you do not have the book, and do not want to purchase it (or if you want to stick with an older edition of my book), you are welcome to do so.  Of course, those of you who do not bring my book to the seminar should be prepared to write a lot of notes.
In the specific info for each seminar, I include a Seminar Handout you can download that lists all the questions I will be covering at the seminar.
Please click this link to get more info, and to reserve a place in one or more of my seminars: 
Thank-you, and I hope to see you there.