Stat 1000: Solutions to the Practise Exams for the Final Exam
Published: Wed, 04/06/11
Hi ,
Here is a revised copy of the Practise Exams with the mistake in my solution to Part B of Exam A corrected.
Here are links where you can download my solutions to the Part B of both of the Practise Exams they have posted to help you prepare for the final exam. Those of you taking the course by distance may want to take a look at these tests, too, so I have attached the files to this email and have also attached the department's answer key for the multiple-choice.
Of course, you should also try to go through as many of the old final exams in the Cheng book as you can. Those of you in distance should go through both a midterm and final exam at one sitting. Students were given 1.5 hours to do the midterm and 2 hours to do the final, so, since the final exam for the distance course is 3 hours long, try to do a midterm and final in three hours to try and prepare for the timing you need.
When you write your exam, be sure to do the LONG ANSWER FIRST. Students will always do better on the long answer than the multiple choice, so give yourself time to complete that section.