CANCELLED: The Stat 2000 Midterm Seminar on Oct. 16 has been cancelled.

Published: Fri, 10/14/16

Unfortunately, there has just not been enough registrations for the Stat 2000 midterm seminar on Oct. 16 to make it cost-effective for me to offer it.  To be honest, I have also been dogged by a bad cold right now which made me question whether I would even have the energy to teach the seminar.
As consolation, I would like to offer my audio lectures teaching my entire Basic Stats 2 book for only $25 + GST.  These teach not only the lessons for your upcoming midterm, but also the rest of the course as well.

In addition, I am offering the audio and complete written solutions for the last midterm seminar I offered for Stat 2000 for $12.99 + GST.  This seminar covered the exact same topics that are on your upcoming exam.
If you would like to order my Complete Audio Lectures ($25) or my Midterm Seminar Package ($12.99) please reply to this message and specify which you would like, and I will send a PayPal invoice which can be paid by a credit card if you do not have a PayPal account. I can also accept an e-Transfer if you prefer.
To benefit from my complete audio lectures, you should have a recent edition of my Basic Stats 2 book to follow along with as you listen.  Of course, that book is an indispensable aid in learning and practicing the concepts for your course. You can order my book at UMSU Digital Copy Centre, room 118 University Centre.  The book is $50 per volume, plus tax.