Stat 2000: My Opinion about the confusion in Distance as to what is on the exam

Published: Thu, 04/07/16

I have been inundated with emails today from distance students worried because they have been told they are responsible for the entire course regardless as to what has been omitted in the classroom sections.  Admittedly, the profs administering the course should know what they are talking about, but, then again, how many times have they said one thing, and then changed to something else already this term?

What I do know is this:
  1. Apparently, the classroom lecture students had question 4 omitted from Assignment 5, and were told that the Anova F test in linear regression will be omitted this year.  I do not know if that is true for all sections, but I certainly did see that announcement from one of the profs.  I think this has led to the confusion.  My guess is that nothing from the inference for simple linear regression, including this Anova stuff has been omitted from the distance course, and none of the questions from Assignment 5 have been omitted.  This also coincides with the sample exams that everyone was given.
  2. It is my expectation that multiple linear regression will not be included on anyone's final exam, distance or classroom lecture, since this has not been included on any assignment and is nowhere to be seen on the practice exams.  In fact, it has been several years since this has been included.
  3. I do not know for sure, and I suggest this is something to ask the distance profs, but everything points to, for the first time ever, both distance and classroom lecture will be writing the exact same final exam.  For the first time ever, the exam is on the exact same day and time.  They also are doing this in Stat 1000 for the first time, it appears.  Obviously, if this is true, it will cover the same material.
  4. My personal opinion is that the distance profs are talking through their hat, and that it is only necessary to study up to the end of question 3 in my Lesson 11.  I am also confident that Lesson 12 is omitted as always lately.
  5. If you are a cautious person and don't want to take chances, then study of all of Lesson 11.  After all, no harm in knowing more than necessary.
Please note that I have worksheets for you to download below.
Stat 2000 Final Exam Prep Seminar
Tuesday, April 12
Room 100 St. Paul's College
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
$40, pay at the door, cash or cheque
There is still time to sign up for the seminar!
Please remember to bring your calculator and statistical tables  (what I call Table A, Table CTable DTable E, and Table F) to the seminar, and something to make notes with.  You may also want to bring along volumes 1 and 2 of my book, but it is not necessary.  You do not need to have my book to attend the seminar.
Here is a copy of the Practice Exams I will be going through at the seminar.  These are the practice exams posted by your prof on UM Learn.
Worksheet Versions of the Two Sample Exams
Here is my worksheet version of each of the two sample exams that I prepared for my seminar.  This puts one question on every page and leaves you room to scribble whatever notes and calculations you desire as you work out each question.
Students who attend the seminar will, soon after the event, receive Complete Solutions to the Practice Exams and Complete Audio taking you through every single question on the Practice Exams.
Stat 2000 Final Exam Prep Seminar
Bring your Calculator!
Final Exam Prep Seminar for Stat 2000
$40,  pay at the door
Tuesday, April 12
9:00 am to 6:00pm

Room 100, St. Paul's College,
University of Manitoba