Math 1300 Distance: Tips for Assignment 1

Published: Thu, 01/14/16

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Don't have my book or audio?  You can download a free sample of my book and audio lectures containing Lessons 1 and  2:
Did you read my tips on how to study and learn Math 1300?  If not, here is a link to those important suggestions:
Tips for Assignment 1
Here is a link to the actual assignment, in case you don't have it handy:
Note that you need to study Lesson 1 (Systems of Linear Equations) and Lesson 9 (Vectors) from my Linear Algebra & Vector Geometry book to prepare for this assignment.  I think you should find this assignment fairly straightforward if you do thoroughly study and do all the Practise Problems I give you in Lesson 9.  However, make sure that you study Lesson 1 of my book first.  It is an important review of key skills you will need throughout the course and assignments.

Do note that my free sample above does include my audio lectures for both Lessons 1 and 9.
Question 1
Thoroughly study Lesson 9 in my book.  Lesson 9, question 6 is similar, and you may find Practise Problems 25 to 31 (especially 29) in my lesson very helpful in understanding the kind of things to do for this and all the questions in this assignment. 

Hint: What is the relationship between arrow OA and arrow OB?  Do note that OA, OB, and OC are all radii, so their arrows have the same length.

Part (b) is a matter of proving the two arrows you were given in part (a) are orthogonal. How do we know if two vectors are orthogonal?
Question 2
Similar to my Lesson 9, questions 2 and 4.

Part (b)
To find a midpoint, just add the coordinates and divide by 2.  For example, add the two x-coordinates together, then divide by 2 to get the midpoint x-coordinate.  Do the same for the y- and z-coordinates.

Part (c)
Find arrow AC (or CA) in terms of k and arrow BC (or CB) in terms of k.  Find the lengths of those arrows in terms of k and set the lengths equal to solve k.  Be careful!  There is more than one answer.
Question 3
Similar to my Lesson 9, question 1.
Question 4
Just a matter of using the appropriate formulas or relationships and setting up equations to solve for k.  What is necessary for two vectors to be parallel? orthogonal? same length?
Question 5
Part (d)
Note that the x, and y coefficients of the given line tell you the vector normal to the line.  Which is to say if given a line ax + by = c, then n = (a,b).  How can you prove that that vector is normal to the line?
Question 6
Understand that the picture they have drawn is in three dimensions.  Visualize the x-axis running west-east on your page, the y-axis running north-south, and the z-axis rising up like a pole from your table top. 

To get an intercept, make the other two coordinates 0.  For example, point A is the x-intercept, so sub y=0 and z=0 into the given plane equation to get the coordinates of A.  Of course, once you know A, B, and C, it should be easy to define a couple of vectors and get the area of the triangle.