Math 1700 Distance: Tips for Assignment 1

Published: Tue, 01/12/16

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Did you read my tips on how to study and learn Math 1700?  If not, here is a link to those important suggestions:

Tips for Assignment 1
These are tips for the first assignment in the Distance/Online Math 1700 course, but I strongly recommend that you do this assignment as homework even if you are taking the classroom lecture section of the course.  These assignments are very good (and challenging) practice.  It is possible that you are doing the topics in a different order in the classroom lecture sections, so you may need to wait until later before tackling this assignment.

Here is a link to the actual assignment, in case you don't have it:

Note that you need to study Lesson 1 (Inverse Trigonometric Functions), Lesson 2 (The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus), Lesson 3 (Riemann Sums), and Lesson 4 (The Method of u Substitution) from my Calculus 2 book to prepare for this assignment.  Study these lessons thoroughly first, then attempt the assign.

Make sure that you study Lesson 1 of my book first.  Although it is not directly involved in Assignment 1, it provides some key skills (especially the trigonometry review) you will need throughout the course and assignments.  Personally, I would merely skim through Lesson 3.  It is rather annoying and tedious, and is not likely to appear on exams.  It is absolutely imperative that you thoroughly study Lessons 2 and 4 in my book, to prepare well for this assignment.
Question 1
This is a complete Riemann Sum similar to my Lesson 3, question 3.  You must use this Riemann Sum method for this question!

Do note that you can check your answer by solving the appropriate definite integral using the method I teach in Lesson 2 (that's the method using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus).  Do this question open book.  I am confident you would never have to use this method on an exam.
Question 2
This is similar to my Lesson 2, question 1 (g) and (h).  Since all three pieces are lines, merely plot the endpoints for each piece to draw a sketch of the graph as they request.
Question 3
Now you are exploiting the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to solve these derivatives, similar to the methods illustrated in my Lesson 2, question 2.
Question 4
These are all similar to the questions I do in Lesson 4.  For the definite integrals given in parts (c) and (d), I recommend you first set up and solve the indefinite integral, then use that solution to compute the answer to the definite integral. 

There is a technique where you can change the endpoints of a definite integral if you have done a u substitution, but I find that unhelpful.  Frequently in this course, you will have to use complex methods to solve an integral.  Carrying the endpoints of a definite integral just adds to the complications and can lead many students to lose track or express their solutions erroneously.

A far more prudent approach, is, when given a definite integral, first set up the associated indefinite integral and solve it first, then return to the definite integral and complete your solution.

Part (a)
You must use Polynomial Long Division here!  I don't discuss problems like this until Lesson 10 of my book.  Study the first few pages of Lesson 10 and look at my questions 1 (a) and (b) for examples of the approach needed here.  Do not study the rest of Lesson 10 though.  That will come later.

Parts (b) and (c)
Pretty standard u substitution as taught in Lesson 4.

Part (d)
This integral is not solved using u sub.  Whenever there is more than one term on top, always consider splitting the problem up into separate fractions and then simplifying.  Here you can separate the function into x/ sqrt x - 1/ sqrt x.  Now, simplify (remember, when dividing the same base, you subtract the exponents).