Math 1300 Distance: Tips for Assignment 3

Published: Wed, 10/21/15

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Did you read my tips on how to study and learn Math 1300?  If not, here is a link to those important suggestions:
Did you see my tips for Assignment 1? Click here.
Did you see my tips for Assignment 2? Click here.
Tips for Assignment 3
Here is a link to the actual assignment, in case you don't have it handy:
Study Lesson 1 (Systems of Linear Equations), Lesson 2 (Row-Reduction and Linear Systems), and Lesson 3 (Matrix Math) from my Linear Algebra & Vector Geometry book to prepare for this assignment.
Question 1
Part (a) is very similar to my Lesson 2, question 11.

Part (b) is similar to my Lesson 3, question 4 and Practise Problem 31.
Question 2
Very similar to my Lesson 2, question 4.
Question 3
Very similar to my Lesson 2, question 3.
Question 4
Very similar to my Lesson 2, question 1

Note that, although there has been no line drawn to separate the last column from the rest, you must assume that line is there because you have been specifically told that this is an augmented matrix.  Whether a separator line is drawn or not, the fact you are told it is an augmented matrix guarantees that the last column is not part of the coefficient matrix.
Question 5
Very similar to my Lesson 2, questions 6, 7 and 8.
Question 6
Very similar to my Lesson 2, question 9.