Do you want Grant to send tips to help with your assignments this term? PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE

Published: Sat, 09/12/15

I am happy to send my usual tips to assist with your assignments in Stat 1000 or Stat 2000, Math 1300, 1500, 1520, or 1700 this session, but in order to do so, I need your assistance. 
  • If you are taking a Math distance/online course, please download the pdf file once an assignment is posted and attach it to an email ASAP.  The sooner, I see an assignment, the better.  Do not send me the links where they are posted in D2L.  That is a secure site, so I will not be able to access the link.  Just the pdf files, please.
  • If you are taking Stat 1000 or Stat 2000, they are trying a new system this year, so I am not sure what the assignments will look like or how they will be delivered.  I believe they are using D2L and I assume they will be some kind of interactive online assignment system.  If it is easy to download a pdf or make a screenshot, please do so and attach it to an email to me.  If there are lots of complications, please do not waste your time trying to send me the assignment.  I will get back to everyone later once I know more myself.
I would also appreciate it if you would attach a copy of your course syllabus to an email, and especially notify me as to the dates for your midterm exams so I can get to work scheduling my midterm seminars.

Thank you, in advance, for your assistance and cooperation.
Have you updated me on your course info yet?
As another term has ended, and a new one begins, the information you gave me previously as to what course(s) you are taking is now out of date.  Please take a moment to reply to this email with any relevant updates (if you have not already done so).

In your reply, please indicate if you would like to receive Homework Help tips for any of the following courses during the Spring/Summer sessions, and I will make all necessary adjustments.  Keep in mind that I will contact you again in September to get further updates for regular session.
  • Stat 1000 (Basic Stats 1)
  • Stat 2000 (Basic Stats 2)
  • Math 1300 (Linear Algebra & Vector Geometry)
  • Math 1310 (Matrices for Management)
  • Math 1500 (Intro Calculus)
  • Math 1520 (Calculus for Management)
  • Math 1700 (Calculus 2)

Do note that, if you do not want emails relevant to any of the courses above, I will still keep you on my general list to get occasional information emails.  If you would rather not receive emails from me at all in the future, please tell me so, and I will remove you from my Homework Help list completely.