Stat 1000: Tips for Assignment 3 (do these questions whether you have to hand them in or not!)

Published: Mon, 10/16/17

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Did you read my tips on how to study and learn this course?  If not, here is a link to those important suggestions:
Did you miss my Tips for Assignment 1? Click here.
The department posted SOLUTIONS for Assignment 1 (these are not my solutions). Click here.
Did you miss my Tips for Assignment 2? Click here.
The department posted SOLUTIONS for Assignment 2 (these are not my solutions). Click here.
Tips for Distance Assignment 3
Here is a link to the actual assignment, for those of you who don't have it:
Study Lesson 3: Designing Samples and Experiments in my book, if you have it, to prepare for this assignment.

Of course, always seek out assistance from my book, your course notes, etc. if you ever hit a question you don't understand, but try not to be learning things as you do an assignment.  Learn first, then put your learning to the test.
Question 1
Easy trick.  Generally, replace the given sample size in a sentence with the word "all" and you usually have just stated the population.
Question 2
Be skeptical any time you are told something "always" happens or "never" happens on a random number table.  It is random, so you never know what is going to happen.  What has happened in the past never changes the probability of a random value happening in the future.  All we can ever compute is the probability of something happening.
Question 3
I show you how to read a random number table in Lesson 3.
Questions 4 and 5
The first half of Lesson 3 and #1-5 illustrate these concepts.
Question 6
I define a lurking variable or outside factor, back in Lesson 2, #4.
Questions 7 to 14
Be sure to study the second half of Lesson 3 and do #6-11 before attempting these questions.