Math 1300: Tips as you prepare for the Final Exam

Published: Fri, 04/21/17

Here are some tips as you prepare for the Final Exam
  • Lesson 15: Some profs have been saying that you only have to know the R2 special transformation matrices for reflections, projections, and rotations.  Make sure you know them.  It appears they won't do this for R3 matrices.
  • Be ready for this kind of Linear Transformation question:
  • Lesson 16: Be ready, of course, to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors.  However, it also looks like they will also be doing a diagonalization problem.  This is not hard.  The diagonal matrix D, is just made up of the eigenvalues, and the matrix P is just the corresponding eigenvectors lined up down the columns.  I discuss this in more detail in my tips for Assignment 4 below.
  • Make sure you have review Elementary Matrices, Determinants and Their Properties, Adjoint Matrices, and Cramer's Rule.  You may be rusty at that stuff and it often reappears on the final.  Adjoint was not on your midterm so it is almost certainly on the final.
  • Make sure you have memorized all the vector formulas in Lesson 9!  There is always a question like my #1.
  • Make sure you know your Lesson 10: Lines and Planes.  You should be ready for any of my Lecture Problems 1-10.  #4 is their favourite, but all of those kinds of questions have appeared before.  Make sure you know the distance from a point to a plane formula.
  • Remember that we OMIT Lessons 11-14 in my book this term.
  • Best wishes and STUDY HARD!
Did you miss my Tips for Assignment 1? Click here.
The department posted SOLUTIONS for Assignment 1 (these are not my solutions). Click here.
Did you miss my Tips for Assignment 2? Click here.
The department posted SOLUTIONS for Assignment 2 (these are not my solutions). Click here.
Did you miss my Tips for Assignment 3? Click here.
The department posted SOLUTIONS for Assignment 3 (these are not my solutions). Click here.
Did you miss my Tips for Assignment 4? Click here.
The department posted SOLUTIONS for Assignment 4 (these are not my solutions). Click here.