Math 1300: Tips for Distance Assignment 1 (classroom sections should take a look, too)

Published: Thu, 02/02/17

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Tips for Assignment 1
Here is a link to the actual assignment, in case you don't have it:
Study Lesson 1: Systems of Linear Equations and Lesson 2: Row-Reduction and Linear Systems in my book, if you have it, to prepare for this assignment.

Of course, always seek out assistance from my book, your course notes, etc. if you ever hit a question you don't understand, but try not to be learning things as you do an assignment.  Learn first, then put your learning to the test.
Question 1
I define a RREF and REF matrix in the first couple of pages of Lesson 2.  Note that, if a matrix is RREF it must certainly also be REF (in other words, it is both), but a matrix can be REF and not RREF.
Question 2
Classic elimination problem for two equations with two variables, similar to my Lesson 1, #1.

Make sure you check your answer!  Sub the solution in place of x and y in both equations and confirm it works.  You don't have to include a check in your submission, but that will at least give you confirmation that you have the correct answer.
Question 3
Classic row-reduction problem.  Very similar to my Lesson 2, #3Careful! They have not lined the variables up in columns!  Make sure you are putting the coefficients for x1 in your first column, coefficients for x2 in your second column, etc. when you make the augmented matrix.

Make sure you check your answer!  Sub the solution in place of x1, x2, ... x6 in all three equations and confirm it works.  You don't have to include a check in your submission, but that will at least give you confirmation that you have the correct answer.  See my check in Lesson 2, #3(a) for an example.
Question 4
Note, if each point is a point on the parabola y=ax^2+bx+c, then you should be able to sub the point in place of x and y in the parabola equation to get a true statement.  Sub each of the three given points in place of x and y to get three equations with three variables (a, b and c are the unknowns).  You can now solve that system of equations.

Don't forget that, once you have solved a, b and c, you must sub those values in place of a, b and c in the parabola equation.  Your final answer should be in the form: y=ax^2+bx+c with the appropriate numbers in place of a, b and c.

Make sure you check your answer!  Sub the given three points at the start into your solution for the parabola equation and confirm they check.  You don't have to include a check in your submission, but that will at least give you confirmation that you have the correct answer.